12. Learning#
With Chapter 9 on information theory, Chapter 10 on optimization, and Chapter 11 on probabilistic graphical models all under our belt, we have covered all the prerequisites needed to finally implement the criterion from Section 8.2 for choosing optimal parameters for our probabilistic graphical models:
The Distance Criterion for Parameter Choice. Given two model distributions within the same family of probabilistic models, choose the model distribution whose distance from the empirical distribution of the data is smaller.
In more detail, we suppose that we are given a fixed dataset. We then choose a family of probabilistic graphical models that we believe might model the dataset well—possibly one of the families described in Chapter 11, or maybe one of those described in the programming assignments for Chapter 11 or the current chapter. But no matter which family of PGMs that we happen to choose, there will be a proposed model probability distribution \(P_{\btheta}\) that depends on a parameter vector \(\btheta\); for example, in the case of a logistic regression model, the (total) parameter vector is given by
According to the Distance Criterion for Parameter Choice stated above, we are to choose the parameter vector \(\btheta\) that minimizes the distance from the model distribution to the empirical distribution of the data. Once more, the following cartoon visually depicts this goal, where \(p(\bx,y;\btheta)\) is the mass function of the proposed model distribution and \(\hat{p}(\bx,y)\) is the mass function of the empirical distribution:
As we now know from our study of Chapter 9, a natural candidate for the “distance” between two distributions is the KL divergence. So, our implementation of the Distance Criterion requires us to minimize KL divergences thought of as functions of model parameters \(\btheta\); for this, the iterative, gradient-based algorithms from Chapter 10 will prove highly useful.
However, as we will see beginning in the first section of this chapter, this optimization objective may be equivalently reformulated as one of several other optimization objectives. In particular, minimizing the KL divergence from the model distribution to the empirical distribution will turn out to yield the same parameter vector \(\btheta\) as minimizing the cross entropy from the former to the latter. The advantage that the cross entropy formulation carries is that it is a stochastic objective, which opens the door for the powerful stochastic gradient descent algorithm studied in Section 10.4. But the loss function associated with this stochastic objective is nothing but the surprisal function (in the sense of Definition 9.1) thought of as a function of the parameter vector \(\btheta\), and so our optimization objective may reformulated (again) as seeking the parameter vector \(\btheta\) that minimizes the average surprisal. In turn, the surprisal function is simply the negative logarithm of the probability mass function as a function of \(\btheta\), which is nothing but the model likelihood function familiar to us from Chapter 11. So, our optimization objective may be reformulated (one more time) as seeking the parameter vector \(\btheta\) that maximizes the average model likelihood. Due to the equivalencies with this last reformulation, all these optimization objectives fall under the heading of likelihood-based learning objectives, and the specific realization of the Distance Criterion for Parameter Choice in terms of these objectives is called maximum likelihood estimation or MLE.
All of this will be introduced and described concretely in the case of a very simple univariate PGM in the first section below. Then, in Section 12.2, we describe MLE for general PGMs, taking care to distinguish between models trained as generative versus discriminative models, with the latter type further separated into those with continuous versus discrete response variables. The remaining three sections in the chapter address the specific cases of MLE for the three types of PGMs studied in Chapter 11: Linear regression models in Section 12.3, logistic regression models in Section 12.4, and neural network models in Section 12.5.
12.1. A first look at likelihood-based learning objectives#
To help motivate the general likelihood-based learning objectives studied in this chapter, let’s begin with a simple example. Suppose that we have an observed dataset
drawn from a random variable \(X \sim \Ber(\theta)\) with unknown parameter \(\theta \in [0,1]\). This is a very simple example of a probabilistic graphical model whose underlying graph consists of only two nodes, one for the parameter \(\theta\) and one for the (observed) random variable \(X\):
The probability measure \(P_\theta\) proposed by the model has mass function
for \(x\in \{0,1\}\), while the dataset has its empirical probability measure \(\hat{P}\) with mass function \(\hat{p}(x)\) defined as
where \(\Sigma x \def x_1 + x_2 + \cdots + x_m\). The goal, of course, is to model the observed dataset with our univariate PGM, but the parameter \(\theta\) is unknown. An “optimal” value for the parameter will minimize the discrepancy (or “distance”) between the two distributions \(\hat{P}\) and \(P_\theta\). We seek to “learn” this optimal value from the dataset.
Of course, by now we know that “distance” means KL divergence, so the goal is to locate the minimizer
But from Theorem 9.1, the KL divergence may be expressed as a difference of two entropies,
and since the entropy \(H(\hat{P})\) does not depend on \(\theta\) it may be dropped from the optimization objective, and we see that we are equivalently searching for the minimizer of cross entropy:
Let’s unpack this cross entropy, using (12.1) and (12.2). By definition, we have
is the surprisal function (see Definition 9.1). Because we want to think of the data as being fixed and the parameter as variable, it will be convenient to define the model surprisal function to be
with the parameter \(\theta\) written first, similar to our convention regarding likelihood functions in Chapter 11. In fact, if we define the model likelihood function of our univariate Bernoulli model to be
then the model surprisal function is nothing but the negative logarithm of the model likelihood function.
Now, note that
since the dataset is assumed drawn from an IID random sample. If we define the left-hand side to be the data likelihood function,
then we may rewrite (12.4) in terms of likelihood functions as
(Notice that this is identical to the factorizations of likelihood functions studied in Chapter 11.) Finally, if we define the data surprisal function to be
then we may apply the negative logarithm to both sides of (12.5) to get the fundamental equation
expressing the data surprisal function as a sum of model surprisal functions.
Let’s now bring back the cross entropy expressed above as (12.3). Using the model surprisal function, we may write:
So, putting everything together, we get that
where the constant of proportionality is the (positive) number \(1/m\). Moreover, since the negative logarithm function is strictly decreasing, minimizing the data surprisal function with respect to \(\theta\) is equivalent to maximizing the data likelihood function with respect to \(\theta\) (see the homework). So, if we combine all of our observations into a single theorem, we get:
Theorem 12.1 (Equivalent learning objectives for the univariate Bernoulli model)
Let \(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_m \in \{0,1\}\) be an observed dataset corresponding to a Bernoulli random variable \(X\sim \Ber(\theta)\) with unknown \(\theta\). Let \(P_\theta\) be the model distribution of \(X\) and let \(\hat{P}\) be the empirical distribution of the dataset. The following optimization objectives are equivalent:
Minimize the KL divergence \(D(\hat{P} \parallel P_\theta)\) with respect to \(\theta\).
Minimize the cross entropy \(H_{\hat{P}}(P_\theta)\) with respect to \(\theta\).
Minimize the data surprisal function \(\calI(\theta; x_1,\ldots,x_m)\) with respect to \(\theta\).
Maximize the data likelihood function \(\calL(\theta; x_1,\ldots,x_m)\) with respect to \(\theta\).
Though these optimization objectives are all equivalent to each other, they have different interpretations, conceptualizations, and advantages:
Minimizing the KL divergence between the empirical and model distributions has an immediate and concrete interpretation as minimizing the “distance” between these two distributions.
As a function of \(\theta\), the cross entropy \(J(\theta) = H_{\hat{P}}(P_\theta)\) may be viewed as a stochastic objective function, since it is exactly the mean of the model surprisal function. This opens the door for applications of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm studied in Section 10.4.
The third optimization objective seeks the model probability distribution according to which the data is least surprising.
The fourth optimization objective seeks the model probability distribution according to which the data is most likely.
Due to the equivalence with the fourth optimization objective, all these optimization objectives are referred to as likelihood-based learning objectives. The optimization process is then called maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), and the value
is called the maximum likelihood estimate (also MLE). But in actual real-world practice, nobody ever maximizes the likelihood function directly due to numerical instability (and other reasons), and instead one of the other three learning objectives is used.
It will turn out that a version of Theorem 12.1 holds for all probabilistic graphical models with discrete model distributions, not just our univariate Bernoulli model. But for the Bernoulli model, the MLE may be computed in closed form:
Theorem 12.2 (MLE for the univariate Bernoulli model)
Let \( x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_m \in \{0,1\}\) be an observed dataset corresponding to a Bernoulli random variable \(X\sim \Ber(\theta)\) with unknown \(\theta\). Then the (unique) maximum likelihood estimate \(\theta^\star_\text{MLE}\) is the ratio \( \Sigma x/m\).
Proof. We first address the special cases that \(\Sigma x =0\) or \(m\). In the first case, the data likelihood function is given by
But the latter expression is maximized at \(\theta^\star=0\), and so \(\theta^\star_\text{MLE} = \Sigma x/m\), as claimed. A similar argument shows that if \(\Sigma x = m\), then the likelihood function is maximized at \(\theta^\star = 1\), and so \(\theta^\star_\text{MLE} = \Sigma x / m\) again.
So, we may assume that \(0 < \Sigma x < m\). In this case, the maximizer of the likelihood function must occur in the open interval \((0,1)\). Thus, by Theorem 12.1, the parameter \(\theta^\star_\text{MLE}\) is equivalently the global minimizer of the data surprisal function
But minimizers of this function can only occur at points \(\theta^\star \in (0,1)\) where
and a little algebra yields the solution \(\theta^\star = \Sigma x/m\) to the stationarity equation (12.7). To confirm that \(\theta^\star = \Sigma x/m\) is a global minimizer over \((0,1)\), note that the second derivatives of both \(-\log{\theta}\) and \(-\log{(1-\theta)}\) are always positive, and hence the data surprisal function is strictly convex. Thus, \(\theta^\star_\text{MLE} = \Sigma x/m\) must indeed be the (unique) MLE. Q.E.D.
Though the \(\theta^\star_\text{MLE}\) is available in closed form for our univariate Bernoulli model, it is still amusing to search for \(\theta^\star\) by running stochastic gradient descent on the stochastic objective function given by cross entropy:
To create the following figure, we generated a sequence of \(128\) observations
with \(\Sigma x = 87\). Then, a run of mini-batch gradient descent yields the following:
Show code cell source
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.nn as nn
from math import sqrt
from math_stats_ml.gd import SGD, plot_gd
import warnings
import matplotlib_inline.backend_inline
import matplotlib.colors as clr
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning)
blue = '#486AFB'
magenta = '#FD46FC'
# generate data
m = 128
X = torch.bernoulli(torch.tensor([0.65] * m))
# define model surprisal function
def I_model(theta, X):
return -X * torch.log(theta) - (1 - X) * torch.log(1 - theta)
def J(theta):
return (-X * np.log(theta) - (1 - X) * np.log(1 - theta)).mean()
# initialize parameters
parameters = torch.tensor([0.05])
# choose SGD hyperparameters
alpha = 0.01
k = 8
N = 10
# run SGD
gd_output = SGD(L=I_model, init_parameters=parameters, X=X, lr=alpha, batch_size=k, num_epochs=N)
epoch_step_nums = gd_output.epoch_step_nums
objectives = gd_output.per_step_objectives[epoch_step_nums]
running_parameters = gd_output.parameters['theta']
running_parameters = running_parameters[epoch_step_nums]
grid = np.linspace(start=0.01, stop=0.99, num=200)
y = np.apply_along_axis(J, axis=1, arr=grid.reshape(-1, 1))
_, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(10, 4), sharey=True)
axes[0].plot(grid, y)
axes[0].step(running_parameters, objectives, where='post', color=magenta)
axes[0].scatter(running_parameters, objectives, color=magenta, s=45, zorder=3)
axes[0].set_ylabel('cross entropy')
axes[1].plot(range(len(gd_output.per_step_objectives)), gd_output.per_step_objectives, color=magenta, alpha=0.45)
axes[1].scatter(epoch_step_nums, objectives, s=50, color=magenta, zorder=3)
axes[1].set_xlabel('gradient steps')
plt.suptitle(f'stochastic gradient descent for univariate Bernoulli model\n$k=${k}, $\\alpha =${alpha}, $\\beta=$0, $N = ${N}')
The blue curve in the left-hand plot is the graph of the exact cross entropy function \(H_{\hat{P}}(P_\theta)\). The magenta points—which represent a selection of outputs of the algorithm—do not fall precisely on this graph since they are approximations to the cross entropy, obtained as realizations of the expression on the right-hand side of
where \(B\) is a mini-batch of data of size \(k=8\). (This was discussed right after we introduced Algorithm 10.4 in Chapter 10.) On the right-hand size of the figure, we have plotted the (approximate) cross entropy versus gradient steps, a type of plot familiar from Chapter 10. The magenta dots on the two sides of the figure correspond to each other; they represent the (approximate) cross entropies every 16 gradient steps (\(=1\) epoch). Notice that the algorithm appears to be converging to the true value \(\theta^\star_\text{MLE} = 87/128 \approx 0.68\) given by Theorem 12.2.
12.2. General MLE#
Maximum likelihood estimation works for all the probabilistic graphical models that we studied in Chapter 11, though there are some variations between the different models. First, we must distinguish between training a model as a generative model versus a discriminative model. Along with every PGM comes the joint distribution over all random variables, and for a generative model, the learning process trains the model with the goal to learn the parameters of the entire joint distribution, while for a discriminative model, the learning process aims at learning the parameters of only a conditional distribution. Of the types of models explicitly studied in Chapter 11—linear regression models, logistic regression models, and neural networks—all three are trained as discriminative models, aiming to learn the parameters of the conditional distributions of the response variable \(Y\) given the predictor vector \(\bX\). On the other hand, both the univariate Bernoulli model in the previous section and the Naive Bayes model—studied in the programming assignment for Chapter 11, as well as the worksheet for the current chapter—are trained as generative models.
We begin our discussion with the case of generative models, since it is essentially just a recapitulation of our discussion of the univariate Bernoulli model in the previous section. If such a model consists of \(n\) random variables, say \(X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n\), then we will write them as an \(n\)-dimensional random vector
For simplicity, we will assume that \(\bX\) is discrete, so that if \(\btheta\) is the parameter vector for the model, we have a joint mass function \(p(\bx;\btheta)\). Then the same definitions given in the previous section for the univariate Bernoulli model apply here:
Definition 12.1
Consider a PGM trained as a generative model containing the random variables \(\bX = (X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n)\), and let \(\btheta\) be the parameter vector.
For fixed \(\bx\in \bbr^n\), the model likelihood function is given by
\[ \calL(\btheta;\bx) \def p(\bx; \btheta), \]thought of as a function of \(\btheta\). The model surprisal function is given by
\[ \calI(\btheta;\bx) \def -\log \left[ \calL(\btheta;\bx) \right] = -\log \left[p(\bx; \btheta) \right], \]also thought of as a function of \(\btheta\).
For a fixed, observed dataset \(\bx_1,\bx_2,\ldots,\bx_m\in \bbr^n\), the data likelihood function is given by
\[ \calL(\btheta;\bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m) \def p(\bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m; \btheta), \]thought of as a function of \(\btheta\). The data surprisal function is given by
\[ \calI(\btheta;\bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m) \def -\log \left[ \calL(\btheta;\bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m) \right] = -\log \left[p(\bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m; \btheta) \right], \]also thought of as a function of \(\btheta\).
Sometimes, if mentioning the specific observation \(\bx\) or the observed dataset \(\bx_1,\bx_2,\ldots,\bx_m\) is not important, we will write the functions in the definition as
Problem Prompt
Do problem 1 on the worksheet.
Since observed datasets are assumed to be observations of IID random samples, we have:
Theorem 12.3 (Data likelihood/surprisal \(=\) product/sum of model likelihood/surprisal)
Consider a PGM trained as a generative model containing the random variables \(\bX = (X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n)\), and let \(\btheta\) be the parameter vector. If
is an observed dataset, then we have
Now, we state a version of Theorem 12.1 that holds for generative models:
Theorem 12.4 (Equivalent learning objectives for generative PGMs)
Consider a PGM trained as a generative model containing the random variables \(\bX = (X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n)\), and let \(\btheta\) be the parameter vector. Let
be an observed dataset, let \(P_\btheta\) be the model joint probability distribution, and let \(\hat{P}\) be the empirical distribution of the dataset. The following optimization objectives are equivalent:
Minimize the KL divergence \(D(\hat{P} \parallel P_\btheta)\) with respect to \(\btheta\).
Minimize the cross entropy \(H_{\hat{P}}(P_\btheta)\) with respect to \(\btheta\).
Minimize the data surprisal function \(\calI(\btheta; \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m)\) with respect to \(\btheta\).
Maximize the data likelihood function \(\calL(\btheta; \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m)\) with respect to \(\btheta\).
The proof of the equivalence of these training objectives is the same as the proof in the special case of the univariate Bernoulli model in the previous section. The optimization process which seeks a solution to these (equivalent) optimization problems is called maximum likelihood estimatation (MLE), and any solution is called a maximum likelihood estimate (also MLE) and is denoted \(\btheta_\text{MLE}^\star\).
We now turn toward discriminative models, which include all those models explicitly studied in Chapter 11. In this case, we must further distinguish between the models with discrete response variable \(Y\) versus a continuous one. Linear regression models are examples of the latter type, while we also briefly encountered an example of a neural network model with continuous \(Y\) in the worksheet to Chapter 11. For both of these models, the response variable \(Y\) was actually normally distributed (conditionally), so this will be the only case of continuous \(Y\) that we consider in this book.
Definition 12.2
Consider a PGM trained as a discriminative model with predictor vector \(\bX\), response variable \(Y\), and parameter vector \(\btheta\).
For fixed \(\bx\in \bbr^n\), the model likelihood function is given either by
\[ \calL(\btheta; \ y\mid \bx) \def p(y\mid \bx;\ \btheta) \quad \text{or} \quad \calL(\btheta; \ y\mid \bx) \def f(y\mid \bx;\ \btheta), \]depending on whether \(Y\) is (conditionally) discrete or continuous. The model likelihood function is thought of as a function of \(\btheta\). The model surprisal function is given by
\[ \calI(\btheta; \ y\mid \bx) \def -\log \left[ \calL(y\mid \btheta; \ \bx) \right], \]also thought of as a function of \(\btheta\).
For a fixed, observed dataset
\[ (\bx_1,y_1),(\bx_2,y_2),\ldots,(\bx_m,y_m)\in \bbr^n \times \bbr, \]the data likelihood function is given either by
\[ \calL(\btheta; \ y_1,\ldots,y_m \mid \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m) \def p(y_1,\ldots,y_m \mid \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m; \ \btheta) \]or
\[ \calL(\btheta; \ y_1,\ldots,y_m \mid \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m) \def f(y_1,\ldots,y_m \mid \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m; \ \btheta) \]depending on whether \(Y\) is (conditionally) discrete or continuous. The data likelihood function is thought of as a function of \(\btheta\). The data surprisal function is given by
\[ \calI(\btheta;\ y\mid \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m) \def -\log \left[ \calL(\btheta; \ y\mid \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m) \right], \]also thought of as a function of \(\btheta\).
As with generative models, if mentioning the specific observation or the observed dataset is not important, we will write the functions in the definition as
From independence, we also get the analog of Theorem 12.3:
Theorem 12.5 (Data likelihood/surprisal \(=\) product/sum of model likelihood/surprisal)
Consider a PGM trained as a discriminative model with predictor vector \(\bX\), response variable \(Y\), and parameter vector \(\btheta\). If
is an observed dataset, then we have
Just as for generative models, for discriminative models we have the stochastic objective function
where \(\hat{p}(\bx,y)\) is the empirical joint mass function of an observed dataset. For generative models, this function was exactly the cross entropy from the empirical distribution to the model distribution—but for discriminative models, it has a different interpretation. In the case that \(Y\) is discrete, it is actually a type of conditional cross entropy, and minimizing this objective is the same as minimizing the conditional KL divergence. In the case that \(Y\) is conditionally normal, the objective \(J(\btheta)\) “is” the mean squared error (or MSE), which we first encountered in the programming assignment for the previous chapter. We say that it “is” the MSE, with quotation marks, because it’s not quite equal to the MSE on the nose—this is explained precisely in the following result:
Theorem 12.6 (Mean squared error as a stochastic objective function)
Consider a PGM trained as a discriminative model with predictor vector \(\bX\), response variable \(Y\), parameter vector \(\btheta\), and let
be an observed dataset with empirical joint mass function \(\hat{p}(\bx,y)\). Suppose also that the conditional distribution of \(Y\) given \(\bX\) is normal, with fixed variance \(\sigma^2\), and that the mean \(\mu = \mu(\btheta,\bx)\) of the distribution is given by the link function at \(Y\). Then the minimizers of the stochastic objective function
are the same as the minimizers of the mean squared error
where \(\mu_i = \mu(\btheta,\bx_i)\).
Proof. The proof begins with a simple computation:
Assuming that the variance \(\sigma^2\) is fixed, we immediately see that minimizing the left-hand side with respect to \(\btheta\) is the same as minimizing the MSE. Q.E.D.
In the case addressed by the theorem, we see that the loss function of the stochastic objective function
may be replaced with the squared error function \(L(\btheta; \ y\mid \bx) = (y-\mu)^2\), and doing so does not alter the solutions to the optimization problem. Moreover, since multiplying a loss function by a positive constant does not change the extremizers, we may modify the squared error function in several ways to best suit the context. For example, sometimes it is convenient to instead take \(J(\btheta)\) to be half the error sum of squares:
See, for example, Theorem 12.8 in the next section.
Our discussion on the identity of the stochastic objective function \(J(\btheta)\) is summarized in the following chart:
Along the bottom of the figure, we’ve listed the loss functions \(L\) of the stochastic objective functions \(J\).
We may now state the following theorem, which is a version of Theorem 12.4 for discriminative models:
Theorem 12.7 (Equivalent learning objectives for discriminative PGMs)
Consider a PGM trained as a discriminative model with predictor vector \(\bX\), response variable \(Y\), and parameter vector \(\btheta\). Let
be an observed dataset, with empirical joint mass function \(\hat{p}(\bx,y)\). The following optimization objectives are equivalent:
Minimize the stochastic objective function
\[ J(\btheta) \def E_{(\bx, y) \sim \hat{p}(\bx, y)} \left[ \calI(\btheta; \ y \mid \bx) \right] = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \calI(\btheta; \ y_i \mid \bx_i) \]with respect to \(\btheta\).
Minimize the data surprisal function \(\calI(\btheta; \ y_1,\ldots,y_m \mid \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m)\) with respect to \(\btheta\).
Maximize the data likelihood function \(\calL(\btheta; \ y_1,\ldots,y_m \mid \bx_1,\ldots,\bx_m)\) with respect to \(\btheta\).
Just as for generative models, the optimization process which seeks a solution to these (equivalent) optimization problems is called maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), and any solution is called a maximum likelihood estimate (also MLE) and is denoted \(\btheta_\text{MLE}^\star\).
12.3. MLE for linear regression#
Having studied maximum likelihood estimation in general, we now turn toward specific examples, beginning with linear regression models. These are trained as discriminative models with a response variable \(Y\) which is (conditionally) normal. If we assume that the variance parameter \(\sigma^2\) is fixed, then the underlying graph of the model is of the form
where \(\beta_0 \in \bbr\) and \(\bbeta \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\) are the only parameters. The link function at \(Y\) is still given by
For these models, it turns out MLEs are obtainable in closed form. To derive these expressions, it will be convenient to rewrite the link function \(\mu = \beta_0 + \bx^\intercal \bbeta\) as
where we append an extra coordinate \(x_0=1\) to the feature vector \(\bx\) and write
We may then combine the bias term \(\beta_0\) and the weight vector \(\bbeta\) into a single \((n+1)\)-dimensional parameter vector
so that the link function is indeed given by the simple expression (12.8).
Theorem 12.8 (MLEs for linear regression models with known variance)
Consider a linear regression model with fixed variance \(\sigma^2\), and let
be an observed dataset. Supposing
for each \(i=1,\ldots,m\), let
Provided that the \((n+1) \times (n+1)\) square matrix \(\mathbfcal{X}^\intercal \mathbfcal{X}\) is invertible, maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters \(\beta_0\) and \(\bbeta\) are given by
Proof. As we noted above in the discussion after the proof of Theorem 12.6, the MLE may be obtained as the minimizer of half the error sum of squares:
where \(\mu_i = \bx_i^\intercal \btheta\) for each \(i=1,\ldots,m\). Taking the gradient gives
where \(\nabla_\btheta \left(\by - \mathbfcal{X}\btheta \right)\) is the gradient matrix of the vector-valued function \(\btheta \mapsto \by - \mathbfcal{X} \btheta\). (Remember our definition of the gradient matrix in Definition 7.2 is the transpose of the usual Jacobian matrix!). But it is easy to show that \(\nabla_\btheta \left(\by - \mathbfcal{X}\btheta \right) = - \mathbfcal{X}^\intercal\), and so
Setting the gradient to zero and rearranging gives
from which the desired equation follows.
The only thing that is left to prove is that we have actually obtained a global minimizer. But this follows from convexity of the objective function \(J(\btheta)\), which we may demonstrate by showing the Hessian matrix \(\nabla^2 J(\btheta)\) is positive semidefinite (see Theorem 10.8). To do this, note that
from (12.9) and Theorem 10.1. But then, given any vector \(\bz \in \bbr^{m}\), we have
Thus, the Hessian matrix is indeed positive semidefinite. Q.E.D.
As we saw in the proof, the maximum likelihood parameter estimates are those that minimize the error sum of squares \(SSE(\btheta)\), which explains why the MLEs are also often called the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates.
It is worth writing out the MLEs in the case of simple linear regression:
Corollary 12.1 (MLEs for simple linear regression models with known variance)
Let the notation be as in Theorem 12.8, but assume that \(\bX\) is \(1\)-dimensional, equal to a random variable \(X\). Then MLEs for the parameters \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\) are given by
where \(\bar{x} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m x_i\) and \(\bar{y} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m y_i\) are the empirical means.
Proof. First note that
Assuming this matrix has nonzero determinant, we have
and so from
we conclude
But as you may easily check, we have
from which the desired equation for \(\beta_1\) follows. To obtain the equation for \(\beta_0\), note that the equation
implies \(m \beta_0 + m \beta_1 \bar{x} = m \bar{y}\), and so \(\beta_0 = \bar{y} - \beta_1 \bar{x}\). Q.E.D.
Problem Prompt
Do problem 2 on the worksheet.
To illustrate the concepts, let’s return yet again to the Ames housing dataset (see the description at the beginning of Section 11.3). While in principle we may compute the exact MLEs for a linear regression model on this data, it is amusing to approximate them using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). To do this, however, we must “standardize” the area and price features for numerical stability, which means that we subtract the empirical means and divide by the standard deviations. When we do so, we get a scatter plot that looks like:
Show code cell source
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# import data
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jmyers7/stats-book-materials/main/data/data-3-1.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(url, usecols=['area', 'price'])
ss = StandardScaler()
data_std = ss.fit_transform(df.to_numpy())
sns.scatterplot(x=data_std[:, 0], y=data_std[:, 1], alpha=0.4)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(w=5, h=3)
plt.xlabel('standardized area')
plt.ylabel('standardized price')
plt.title('data for linear regression')
X = torch.tensor(data_std[:, 0], dtype=torch.float32)
y = torch.tensor(data_std[:, 1], dtype=torch.float32)
Notice that both features are on similar scales. Then, we run the algorithm using the squared error function
as the loss function for SGD:
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# define link function at Y
def mu_link(parameters, X):
beta0 = parameters['beta0']
beta = parameters['beta']
return beta0 + beta * X
# define the squared error loss function
def SE(parameters, X, y):
mu = mu_link(parameters, X)
return (y - mu) ** 2
# initialize parameters
beta0 = torch.tensor([-10.])
beta = torch.tensor([3.])
parameters = {'beta0': beta0, 'beta': beta}
# choose SGD hyperparameters
alpha = 0.1
N = 5
k = 256
# run SGD
gd_output = SGD(L=SE, init_parameters=parameters, X=X, y=y, lr=alpha, batch_size=k, num_epochs=N, random_state=42)
# plot SGD output
ylabel='log MSE',
plot_title_string='SGD for linear regression',
per_step_label='log MSE per step',
per_epoch_label='log mean MSE per epoch',
Notice that we plotted the logarithm of the MSE—we chose to do this because we purposefully chose initial guesses for the parameters \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta\) that were quite far away from the MLEs, creating large values of the MSE in the initial few steps of the algorithm. This lengthens the learning process, giving us a nicer visualization as the regression line moves into place:
Show code cell source
grid = np.linspace(-2, 8, num=200)
epoch_list = [0, 5, len(gd_output.per_step_objectives) - 1]
_, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=len(epoch_list), figsize=(10, 9))
for i, epoch in enumerate(epoch_list):
parameters = {name: parameter[epoch] for name, parameter in gd_output.parameters.items()}
# plot the objective function
axes[i, 0].plot(gd_output.grad_steps, np.log(gd_output.per_step_objectives), alpha=0.25, label='log MSE per step')
axes[i, 0].scatter(epoch_list[i], np.log(gd_output.per_step_objectives[epoch]), color=blue, s=50, zorder=3, label='current step')
axes[i, 0].plot(gd_output.epoch_step_nums, np.log(gd_output.per_epoch_objectives), label='log mean MSE per epoch')
axes[i, 0].set_xlabel('gradient steps')
axes[i, 0].set_ylabel('log MSE')
axes[i, 0].legend()
sns.scatterplot(x=data_std[:, 0], y=data_std[:, 1], alpha=0.4, ax=axes[i, 1])
axes[i, 1].plot(grid, mu_link(parameters, grid), color=magenta)
axes[i, 1].set_xlabel('$x$')
axes[i, 1].set_ylabel('$y$')
axes[i, 1].set_ylim(-2.5, 7.5)
axes[i, 1].set_xlim(-2.5, 8)
plt.suptitle(f'stochastic gradient descent for linear regression\n$\\alpha=${alpha}, $\\beta=$0, $k=${k}, $N=${N}')
12.4. MLE for logistic regression#
Let’s now turn toward the training process for logistic regression models via maximum likelihood estimation. In contrast to linear regression models, the MLEs are not obtainable in closed form in general, and thus we must apply the optimization algorithms studied in Chapter 10. However, not all good properties are lost, because it turns out that the objective functions in these optimization problems are convex. Our main goal in this section is to establish this fundamental fact.
But first, we will extract the formula for the model likelihood function of a logistic regression model from Theorem 11.2 and apply the negative logarithm function to get:
Theorem 12.9 (Surprisal functions of logistic regression models)
Consider a logistic regression model with predictor vector \(\bX\), response variable \(Y\), and link function at \(Y\) given by
where \(\sigma\) is the sigmoid function. Then the model surprisal function is given by
To establish convexity of the MLE problem for logistic regression models, we need to have formulas for the gradient vector and Hessian matrix of the data surprisal function. To obtain these formulas, it will be convenient to adopt the notation described at the beginning of the previous section regarding the addition of an extra coordinate \(x_0=1\) to a feature vector \(\bx\in \bbr^n\) to create
Then the link function in a logistic regression model may be written as \(\phi = \sigma(\bx^\intercal \btheta)\), where
We now compute the gradient and Hessian:
Theorem 12.10 (Gradient vectors and Hessian matrices for logistic regression models)
Consider a logistic regression model with predictor vector \(\bX\), response variable \(Y\), and link function at \(Y\) given by
where \(\bx\) and \(\btheta\) are given by (12.10) and (12.11) above. Then the gradient vector and Hessian matrix of the model surprisal function are given by
Proof. For the gradient vector, we compute
where the equality \(\nabla \phi = \phi(1-\phi)\bx\) follows from this homework problem and the chain rule. Then, for the Hessian matrix, we compute:
where we used Theorem 10.1 in the first equality. Q.E.D.
An immediate corollary is convexity of the optimization problem:
Corollary 12.2 (Logistic regression models \(\Rightarrow\) convex optimization problems)
Both the model and data surprisal functions of a logistic regression model are convex.
Proof. Letting \(\bz\in \bbr^{n+1}\) be an arbitrary vector, we have
since \(\phi \in (0,1)\). This shows the Hessian matrix of the model surprisal function is positive semidefinite, and thus by Theorem 10.8, it is convex. For the data surprisal function, we note that
by Theorem 12.5. Then convexity of \(\calI_\text{data}\) follows from linearity of the “Hessian matrix operation,” along with the observation that a sum of positive semidefinite matrices is positive semidefinite. Q.E.D.
Convexity of the optimization problem opens doors for other algorithms besides gradient descent, like the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
Let’s bring back the dataset from Section 11.4:
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url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jmyers7/stats-book-materials/main/data/ch12-book-data-01.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(url)
# convert the data to numpy arrays
X = df[['x_1', 'x_2']].to_numpy()
y = df['y'].to_numpy()
# convert the data to torch tensors
X = torch.tensor(data=X, dtype=torch.float32)
y = torch.tensor(data=y, dtype=torch.float32)
# plot the data
g = sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='x_1', y='x_2', hue='y')
# change the default seaborn legend
new_labels = ['class 0', 'class 1']
for t, l in zip(g.legend_.texts, new_labels):
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(w=5, h=3)
plt.title('data for logistic regression')
Let’s train a logistic regression model on this dataset using the SGD algorithm to locate the global minimizer of the cross entropy from the model distribution to the empirical distribution. This requires the model surprisal function as the loss function for SGD. Running the algorithm for 30 epochs results in the following plot of cross entropy versus gradient steps:
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# define link function at Y
def phi_link(parameters, X):
beta0 = parameters['beta0']
beta = parameters['beta']
return torch.sigmoid(beta0 + X @ beta)
# define the model surprisal function
def I_model(parameters, X, y):
phi = phi_link(parameters, X)
return -y * torch.log(phi) - (1 - y) * torch.log(1 - phi)
# initialize parameters
beta0 = torch.normal(mean=0, std=1e-1, size=(1,))
beta = torch.normal(mean=0, std=1e-1, size=(2,))
parameters = {'beta0': beta0, 'beta': beta}
# define SGD parameters
N = 30
k = 128
alpha = 1e-1
# run SGD
gd_output = SGD(L=I_model, X=X, y=y, init_parameters=parameters, lr=alpha, num_epochs=N, batch_size=k)
# plot SGD
plot_title_string='SGD for logistic regression model',
ylabel='cross entropy',
per_step_label='cross entropy per step',
per_epoch_label='mean cross entropy per epoch')
Notice that the curve in this plot is beginning to “plateau,” indicating the algorithm is beginning to converge on the MLE. Since the feature space is \(2\)-dimensional, as we discussed in Section 11.4, we may check the fit of the model by plotting the decision boundary of the predictor function
It is interesting to watch this decision boundary move into the optimal position as the training process progresses:
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# define the predictor
def predictor(X, parameters):
phi = phi_link(parameters, X)
return (phi >= 0.5).to(torch.int)
# define grid for contour plot
resolution = 1000
x1_grid = torch.linspace(-2, 2, resolution)
x2_grid = torch.linspace(-4, 4, resolution)
x1_grid, x2_grid = torch.meshgrid(x1_grid, x2_grid)
grid = torch.column_stack((x1_grid.reshape((resolution ** 2, -1)), x2_grid.reshape((resolution ** 2, -1))))
# define colormap for the contour plots
desat_blue = '#7F93FF'
desat_magenta = '#FF7CFE'
binary_cmap = clr.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='binary', colors=[desat_blue, desat_magenta], N=2)
epoch_list = [0, 30, len(gd_output.per_step_objectives) - 1]
running_parameters = gd_output.parameters
_, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=len(epoch_list), figsize=(10, 9))
for i, epoch in enumerate(epoch_list):
parameters = {key: value[epoch] for key, value in running_parameters.items()}
# plot the objective function
axes[i, 0].plot(gd_output.grad_steps, gd_output.per_step_objectives, alpha=0.25, label='cross entropy per step')
axes[i, 0].scatter(epoch_list[i], gd_output.per_step_objectives[epoch], color=blue, s=50, zorder=3, label='current step')
axes[i, 0].plot(gd_output.epoch_step_nums, gd_output.per_epoch_objectives, label='mean cross entropy per epoch')
axes[i, 0].set_xlabel('gradient steps')
axes[i, 0].set_ylabel('cross entropy')
axes[i, 0].legend()
# apply the fitted model to the grid
z = predictor(grid, parameters)
# plot the decision boundary and colors
z = z.reshape(shape=(resolution, resolution))
axes[i, 1].contourf(x1_grid, x2_grid, z, cmap=binary_cmap)
axes[i, 1].set_xlabel('$x_1$')
axes[i, 1].set_ylabel('$x_2$')
# plot the data
g = sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='x_1', y='x_2', hue='y', ax=axes[i, 1])
# change the default seaborn legend
new_labels = ['class 0', 'class 1']
for t, l in zip(g.legend_.texts, new_labels):
plt.suptitle(f'stochastic gradient descent for logistic regression\n$\\alpha=${alpha}, $\\beta=$0, $N=${N}')
12.5. MLE for neural networks#
In this section, we encounter our third optimization problem of maximum likelihood estimation. These problems have been presented in the chapter in order of increasing difficulty, beginning with the easiest in Section 12.3 where we discovered that the MLEs for linear regression models are obtainable in closed form and that the optimization problem is convex. For logistic regression models, discussed in Section 12.4, we lost the ability (in general) to write down closed form solutions for MLEs, but the optimization problem was still convex. Now, in the current section, we lose both of these desirable properties: In general, the optimization problems of maximum likelihood estimation for neural network models have neither closed form solutions nor are they convex.
Thinking visually and using intuition and language adapted from low dimensions, we imagine that the graph of a (strictly) convex objective function \(J:\bbr^n \to \bbr\) is a hypersurface embedded in \(\bbr^{n+1}\) with a single “lowest valley” (global minimum). The gradient descent algorithms follow the negative gradient “downhill” until they reach a neighborhood of this global minimizer. But for a nonconvex \(J\), there might be both local minima and maxima (i.e., local “peaks” and “valleys”), as well as saddle points where the gradient vanishes, but where the Hessian matrix has both negative and positive eigenvalues, resulting in both “upward” and “downward” directional curvatures. This means that it is possible for gradient descent to get “stuck” in a local minimum with relatively high objective value, or that it follows a “downhill” trajectory leading to a saddle point and again gets “stuck” (or at least significantly slowed down). However, intuition suggests at least that local minima are rare in high dimensions since it should require very special circumstances and structure for positivity of all eigenvalues of a Hessian matrix. But saddle points remain a concern.
Parameter initialization is also a significant concern for neural network models. With strictly convex objective functions, convergence of gradient descent to the global minimizer is guaranteed beginning from all initial choices for the parameters, at least if the learning rate is chosen appropriately. But for a completely general nonconvex objective function, convergence guarantees do not exist.
However, the objective functions encountered in training neural network models are not ordinary nonconvex functions—they still retain enough structure that tools and best practices may be developed and utilized to help encourage gradient descent to converge on decent solutions. Our little introduction to neural networks and deep learning in this book is not the place to discuss these in detail—for that, we direct the reader toward specialized treatments given in Chapter 8 of [GBC16], Chapter 7 in [HR22], and also here.
We begin by extracting the surprisal function of a neural network (with one hidden layer) from Definition 11.9:
Theorem 12.11 (Surprisal functions of neural network models)
Consider a neural network model with a predictor vector \(\bX\), response variable \(Y\), and link functions given by
where \(\sigma\) is the sigmoid function and \(\rho\) the ReLU function. Then the model surprisal function is given by
Notice that the expression on the right-hand side of (12.13) is the same as the expression for the model surprisal function of a logistic regression model given in Theorem 12.9. The difference between the two expressions manifests in the dependence of \(\phi\) on the parameters of the model: For a logistic regression model, we have the simple dependence
while for a neural network model the dependence of \(\phi\) on the parameters is given by the two link functions (12.12).
Now, let’s bring back the dataset from Section 11.5:
Show code cell source
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jmyers7/stats-book-materials/main/data/ch12-book-data-02.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(url)
# convert the data to numpy arrays
X = df[['x_1', 'x_2']].to_numpy()
y = df['y'].to_numpy()
# convert the data to torch tensors
X = torch.tensor(data=X, dtype=torch.float32)
y = torch.tensor(data=y, dtype=torch.float32)
# plot the data
g = sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='x_1', y='x_2', hue='y')
# change the default seaborn legend
new_labels = ['class 0', 'class 1']
for t, l in zip(g.legend_.texts, new_labels):
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(w=5, h=3)
plt.title('data for neural network model')
We will train a neural network with three hidden layers of widths \(8\), \(8\), and \(4\) to predict the classes of the data in the scatter plot. We will run SGD with the data surprisal function as the loss function, so that the objective is to minimize the (conditional) cross entropy from the model distribution to the empirical distribution:
Show code cell source
# define link function at Y
def phi_link(parameters, X):
# initialize the a-value with x
a = X
# loop through hidden layers
for h in range(1, 4):
W = parameters['weight_' + str(h)]
b = parameters['bias_' + str(h)]
a = F.relu(a @ W + b)
# compute link function at output layer
W = parameters['weight_4']
b = parameters['bias_4']
phi = torch.sigmoid(a @ W + b)
return phi
# define the model surprisal function
def I_model(parameters, X, y):
phi = phi_link(parameters, X)
return -y * torch.log(phi) - (1 - y) * torch.log(1 - phi)
# define the network architecture
p1 = 8 # width of first hidden layer
p2 = 8 # width of second hidden layer
p3 = 4 # width of third hidden layer
widths = [2, p1, p2, p3, 1]
# initialize parameters
parameters = {}
for i in range(1, 5):
weight = torch.empty(widths[i-1], widths[i])
bias = torch.empty(widths[i])
nn.init.uniform_(weight, a=-1/sqrt(widths[i-1]), b=1/sqrt(widths[i-1]))
nn.init.uniform_(bias, a=-1/sqrt(widths[i-1]), b=1/sqrt(widths[i-1]))
parameters = parameters | {'weight_' + str(i): weight.squeeze()}
parameters = parameters | {'bias_' + str(i): bias}
# define SGD parameters
N = 80
k = 128
alpha = 0.1
# run SGD
gd_output = SGD(L=I_model, init_parameters=parameters, X=X, y=y, lr=alpha, batch_size=k, num_epochs=N, random_state=42)
# plot SGD
plot_title_string='SGD for neural network model',
ylabel='cross entropy',
per_step_label='cross entropy per step',
per_epoch_label='mean cross entropy per epoch')
The algorithm takes almost \(2{,}000\) gradient steps, spread over \(N=80\) epochs with a mini-batch size of \(k=128\) on a dataset of size \(m=3{,}072\).
Problem Prompt
Do problem 3 on the worksheet.
Just as we did for the logistic regression model in the previous section, it is interesting to watch the decision boundary of the predictor function move into the optimal position as the training process progresses:
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# define the predictor
def predictor(X, parameters):
phi = phi_link(parameters, X)
return (phi >= 0.5).to(torch.int)
# get the grid for the contour plot
resolution = 1000
x1_grid = torch.linspace(-1.75, 1.75, resolution)
x2_grid = torch.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, resolution)
x1_grid, x2_grid = torch.meshgrid(x1_grid, x2_grid)
grid = torch.column_stack((x1_grid.reshape((resolution ** 2, -1)), x2_grid.reshape((resolution ** 2, -1))))
epoch_list = [0, 750, len(gd_output.per_step_objectives) - 1]
running_parameters = gd_output.parameters
_, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=len(epoch_list), figsize=(10, 9))
for i, epoch in enumerate(epoch_list):
parameters = {key: value[epoch] for key, value in running_parameters.items()}
# plot the objective function
axes[i, 0].plot(gd_output.grad_steps, gd_output.per_step_objectives, alpha=0.25, label='cross entropy per step')
axes[i, 0].scatter(epoch_list[i], gd_output.per_step_objectives[epoch], color=blue, s=50, zorder=3, label='current step')
axes[i, 0].plot(gd_output.epoch_step_nums, gd_output.per_epoch_objectives, label='mean cross entropy per epoch')
axes[i, 0].set_xlabel('gradient steps')
axes[i, 0].set_ylabel('cross entropy')
axes[i, 0].legend()
# apply the fitted model to the grid
z = predictor(grid, parameters)
# plot the decision boundary and colors
z = z.reshape(shape=(resolution, resolution))
axes[i, 1].contourf(x1_grid, x2_grid, z, cmap=binary_cmap)
axes[i, 1].set_xlabel('$x_1$')
axes[i, 1].set_ylabel('$x_2$')
# plot the data
g = sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='x_1', y='x_2', hue='y', ax=axes[i, 1])
# change the default seaborn legend
new_labels = ['class 0', 'class 1']
for t, l in zip(g.legend_.texts, new_labels):
plt.suptitle(f'stochastic gradient descent for neural network model\n$\\alpha=${alpha}, $\\beta=$0, $k=${k}, $N=${N}')